Arctic Bliss: Transform Your Health with Whole Body Cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy, the practice of using cold temperatures for natural healing and wellness, dates back to ancient civilizations. Whole Body Cryotherapy takes this concept to the next level, delivering the revitalizing benefits of ice or cold water in just three minutes at ultra-low temperatures. Originally developed in 1978 by Dr. Yamaguchi in Japan to treat rheumatoid arthritis, this modern approach reaches temperatures as low as -120°C (-184°F), making it a faster and more effective alternative to traditional ice baths. Many participants report a range of benefits, making cryotherapy a key component of their wellness routine.

How does it work:

You get into a chamber that is cooled with nitrogen gas. The temperature in the chamber starts dropping gradually reaching the max of -184 F degree. The whole treatment takes anywhere from two to three minutes. The extreme cold sends electrical impulses to the central nervous system indicating the body must prepare to survive. This activates the body’s defense mechanism and the blood rushes to vital organs to protect them from extreme cold. Now, that the body has transported the blood to the core, the blood begins to be enriched with oxygen, collagen, erythrocytes and other beneficial nutrients during the hyper-production period. Vasodilation begins after you have exited the chamber. During this time, your body is transporting the new nutrient dense blood into your skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue. Whole Body Cryotherapy allows your body to access & release valuable naturally-occurring biochemicals that are active in relieving pain, reducing inflammation, increasing metabolism, deoxidizing & ridding the body of detrimental toxins.

Pain reduction due to various ailments

According to John Hopkin’s University Cryotherapy is the “I” component of R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). This is a treatment recommended for the home care of many injuries, particularly ones caused by sports.

The benefits of applying ice include:

Cryotherapy for pain relief may be used for:

Experts believe that cryotherapy can reduce swelling, which is tied to pain. It may also reduce sensitivity to pain. Cryotherapy may be particularly effective when you are managing pain with swelling, especially around a joint or tendon.

Athletic performance and recovery:

Athletes of all disciplines are now turning to cryotherapy for recovery to help them perform better. With cryotherapy, you can train harder, longer, and recover quicker to help you achieve maximum results from your workouts. During a Whole Body cryotherapy session, as temperatures rapidly cool, oxygen is pushed through the body to help reduce inflammation, relieve pain and recover the muscles. This way, one can recover faster after an intense workout and is able to minimize the rest intervals and down time.

Here is a list of Cryotherapy recovery benefits:

Anti-Aging Rejuvenation:

Whole Body Cryotherapy for skin rejuvenation may seem like an unconventional type of all natural treatment. However, this safe non-invasive therapy method boosts the immune system in numerous ways, hence stimulating all the body functions to perform better.

This, in turn, helps achieve a smoother, healthier, and younger-looking skin. Below is a list of cryotherapy skin rejuvenation and anti-aging benefits that might shock you as they challenge the need for expensive and often chemicals-filled skin treatments:

Weight Reduction:

In full body cryotherapy session, as skin is exposed to extreme temperature, the body signals the brain to go into a ‘fight or flight’ mode. As a result, metabolism increases rapidly to produce heat to fight sub zero temperature. This process is called cold thermogenesis. This is the natural way human body produces heat and ultimately burns fat. The combination of increased metabolic rate and calories burned while in cryosauna results in weight loss.

Improvement in Mental Fitness:

Whole Body Cryotherapy technique has undergone several studies to assess its efficacy as an alternative, conjunctive method of treating anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. Below is a list of benefits of cryotherapy for mental health issues that had been observed.

Cryotherapy Contraindications:

A contraindication to cold therapy is an injury or condition that would make applying cold therapy to a sports injury dangerous. The following are contraindications to cold therapy. This means that if you have any of the conditions below then applying cold therapy is likely to be bad for you. The following list is not exhaustive and we recommend seeing your doctor for professional advice if you are in any doubt.

Raynauds Phenomenon – A condition affecting small blood vessels in the extremities. Exposure to cold may cause a return in symptoms.

Cold Hypersensitivity – There are many forms of cold hypersensitivity, which include:

Anesthesia – When there is an area of numbness or altered sensitivity, cold therapy should not be used as pain and the degree of cooling cannot be felt by the patient.

Other conditions – hypertension, heart disease, seizures, anemia, and pregnancy. 

Controversial Conditions:

The following conditions are considered controversial. They can be treated with cryotherapy, although extra care may be needed. Again, we recommend seeking professional advice if you are in any doubt:

Initial Consultation:

Prepare for cryotherapy in the dressing room:


Post Treatment:


Cryotherapy is an effective treatment for athletic recovery, pain management, inflammation reduction and skin improvement. Numerous peer-reviewed studies have confirmed the benefits of Whole Body Cryotherapy. It is not a medical procedure, and all clients of Arctic Healing Cryo should first check with their medical professionals to confirm whether WBC is appropriate for their health.
